About Us

Our Vision

We endeavour to be a unique and complete school by the year 2025, to give students the power to imbibe holistic development and permanent change in behaviour to make them capable of influencing the world, serve the humanity as ambassadors of their generation.

Our Motto

Love, Compassion, and Motivation.

Our Pedagogy

Pedagogy is where the theoretical knowledge of both students and teachers coming together in to achieve the learning goal.

Buniyaad’s pedagogy

Buniyaad focuses on a 21st-century education inculcating not just the 5 C’s but also various bedrock skills required for daily living.

5 C ’s of 21st-century education

The current education system is lacking what is needed the most in the current times hence adopting the 5C’s will give us a better result in delivering education in its true sense. 21st-century education has only 4 C’s however we have added one more conceptual thinking, it is what seems to be lacking in the Indian education system.

1. Conversation: Humans are social animals, interaction is the most important skill we need so as to express ourselves. We focus on both the written and Oral part of it.

2. Critical Thinking (out of the box thinking): We as humans have inherited the thinking patterns of the society, breaking that chain of thought and creating a new to define the inner true self is what we focus for children.

3. Creativity: The natural inquisitiveness of the child leads then to explore the environment and create for self, keeping the natural creativeness and enhancing it further to develop it in accordance of life situation.

4. Collaboration: We live in socially constructed institutions and help each other and other collaborative skills like leadership, team spirit etc. are of focus here.

5. Conceptual Thinking: Our brain create schemas for everything that we know and slots new information into those schemas. Schemas are the concepts, either in the academic setting, social etc. To be able to create new schema and understand them is an important learning concept.

Bedrock Skills

Basic Skills being taught in the childhood give your child the opportunity to imbibe them and understand the what how and why of life in a superior manner. A skill is the ability to do something well, the below listed aspects of skills are the largest contributors in ones life.

1. Life skills: Life skills include leadership skills, team buildings, cooperation, dedication, coordination, persuasion, goal setting, courage, focus and concentration. These are the skills needed in daily life.

2. Cognitive skills: Knowledge acquisition and cognitive development, mathematical reasoning, number sense, orientation in time and space, scientific reasoning, etc.

3. Social skills: Interaction with social elements in the institutions that we are a part of is important and knowing how to do it in a manner that you contribute to society is essential.

4. Value based skills:
Value-based skills include discipline, etiquette, ethics, morals, civic sense, etc.

5. Happiness skills: Happiness is also a skill that can be learnt, through mindfulness and heartfulness, also learning to face failure and maintaining relation can be reasons of happiness.

Buniyaad School

Buniyaad School began with the dream to building generations of humans with the qualities of Love, Compassion, and Motivation to create a better world, it was curated for ambassadors of humanity with a strong foundation hence the name BUNIYAAD, meaning Foundation in Hindi.

With a deep emphasis on learning the language of commons, English has been our medium in the school campus. The state-of-the-art technologies and our pioneering teaching methods, help in facilitating the growth of the students. We also take care of the soul-set with Value-Based Activities and Heartfulness Meditation. We work on a 360-degree development modus operandi covering all aspects from curriculum to character, we focus on various skill sets like cognitive, social, life and happiness, also skills like Mindfulness helps our students to be aware of what they are learning and applying it in the real world.

Education in present times is in a predicament of Memorisation lasting until the weekend. At Buniyaad the nucleus of education is conceptual and skill-based aspects, making it last a lifetime.

We began in the year 2012, with a total strength of 100 students, in the outskirts of Jaipur. Coming a long way a since then, we now have expanded into 2 campuses with 650 Students with various co-scholastic activities and sports, comfortable Transport and well-equipped Laboratories. The campus is also home to Ducks, Rabbits, and a plethora of trees covering the entire campus with plenty Shade and a sense of being one with nature.

From The Director’s Desk

Our Vision is to shape young ambassadors of tomorrow. Keeping this in mind, we the management, staff and students intend to focus on core values like honesty, compassion, love, loyalty, responsibility, hard work and creativity. This is to actualise the mission of education. It is our collective responsibility to imbibe our children with the importance of values and culture, and lead them to a path of evolution in skill set and soul set.

Buniyaad is a student oriented centre of education, where we experiment with new ideas and techniques to fit the needs. We polish an ordinary stone into a diamond.

We are known for our excellence in academics, co-scholastic activities and also for our discipline.

We seek your blessing for our future endeavours.

Be a Buniyaadi,
Be an Achiever.
Sunil Poonia

From The Principal’s Desk

Buniyaad seeks to give its students the tools to learn to progress in a changing environment, with the needed expertise, resources and information, and asks of them to heartily use these “powers” to be of benefit to self and the society. That as young adults, the students are happy and are able to perceive the world through their generous hearts sets them apart.

In order to see Buniyaad’s Vision come true, we continue to engage as a family of students, parents, staff and Management, appreciating the need to grow out of ourselves as a mature educational institution. As an organization, we recognize our “adolescence” compels us to evolve and build competence, set by the pace of growth and ever-changing educational environment.

With the abundant grace of God Buniyaad School has evidenced the gradual evolution in capacity factor. Year by year we have grown, thanks to the exertion of our wonderful family and to the world around us for having recognized and embraced our efforts! As we strive for a better future generation in learning various facets of social and values education, we are also bound by the necessities to empower the future generation, essentially through literacy, numeracy and science, to gradually enhance their life skills to fulfil societal needs.

Let us grow together and live with “ Love, Compassion and Motivation ”.


Buniyaad School at a Glance
Current Enrollments
Qualified Staff
Clubs & Activities
No. of Campuses
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